Friday, March 28, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

There is not much going on here right now. John has started a new block this week, which has significantly less homework than his other ones have. We are grateful for that at this point in the semester. This particular block has him interviewing with properties for his externship. Because he is doing the baking and pastry arts, he will not go on his externship until summer 2009, but he has to interview right now. AAHH!!! He's kind of been pulling his hair out over this. We both feel it is a little early to be making a decision on where we will be going over a year from now, and these interviews are by no means final, but the school wants him to have a place lined up ASAP. So, we have some decisions to make pretty soon that will affect us in a major way. I think the biggest thing is, neither of us feels like making a huge move again anytime real soon, so even thinking about it is a little stressful. But, we know that God has a plan, and we are willing to follow it....we're just not quite sure what the next step is. :-) Please pray for wisdom in choosing the next step.

Other than that, we are doing fine. I wish it would warm up....I'm jealous of the 70-80 degree weather in my beloved Oklahoma. I've had to scrape windows more often than not this week...its a real blessing. :-)

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon....Becky

Saturday, March 22, 2008


It snowed last night. In what way is it right for it to snow on the weekend of Easter??? Unless you are in Alaska....Seriously....
John and I are doing well. He is about finished with this block and then he only has two left!!! This next block will consist of having interviews with some properties for his externship. He won't go on externship until summer of 09, but these interviews will be really important in making connections with a future employer. I think he is really looking forward to it. I am hanging in there. :-) I am really ready to visit home. We will be in Oklahoma for the week of Brooke's graduation, so hopefully we will be able to see a lot of friends and family.
We enjoyed a nice spring break for John last week. His brother Jim and his girlfriend Lisa were here, so we enjoyed spending time with them. John got some much needed rest and relaxation....and I worked. :-)
I experienced my firt Maunday service Thursday of this week. Easter is celebrated very differently up here. I guess it is because a lot of the population is Catholic. I got half a day off of work yesterday for Good Friday. The Maunday service was just to commermorate the Last Supper and the beginning of Jesus' trial. Our pastor and another man in our church portrayed James and John, the Sons of Thunder, as they remembered the events of the passion week. It was a great way to start off the celebration of our Lord's resurrection. I am really looking forward to Sunday!
I hope everyone has a great week ahead.

Later, Becky

P.S.: BOOMER, SOONER for their win last night in the NCAA tourney!

Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm Ready for Spring.....

....I think. I can tell it is coming because my eyes have started itching and I'm getting headaches more often. Isn't that wonderful! But, it is pretty much a sure sign that spring is on the way. I'm just hoping that it will be half-way warm for Easter!!!!

John is on spring break this week and will be enjoying some much deserved time off. He has worked really hard this semester and will continue to do so...but he is ready for a break. His brother Jim will be in town this week, so we are looking forward to spending time with him and his friend who is with him. I think they are going to spend Wednesday night with us and then we will be going into Pittsburgh Friday.

We haven't really been up to much lately. We helped some people move into their new house Saturday, which was fun. I have their kids in choir and we have prayed every week since we have been at this church for their new house to be built quickly. They were really excited to be moving in and it was fun to see answered prayer.

I have to get ready for work, so that is all for now. Have a great week!