Friday, December 19, 2008

Beautiful snow and Christmas program

Well, I said I would post a picture of the beautiful landscape here after it snows, so here goes.....

These last two are in our pastor's back yard.....very quaint!

Our Kids Club Choir did "Angel Alert" last Sunday evening. I must say, I was very pleased with how it turned out. God is so good! I had lots of help getting costumes together and getting the stage set up.....two things I was not prepared for! I had no idea how involved these things could be.
The kids did a great job singing and acting. With such a wide range of ages (3-12), I usually have no idea what to expect. I had my usually little "mishaps" with some of the younger ones, but for the most part, they did great! And they SANG OUT! I was so excited!!! Usually, I have to beg them to sing loud, but they were really getting into it and did fantastic! Here are a few pictures from the performance. I wish I had more, but I was a little busy.....

John, the wiseguy....I mean wiseman. :-)

Some of the kiddos....

I'll talk to you later.....lots of love!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Hey everyone,

Well, lets see.....I have a monster cold, it is monstrously cold outside, John is almost done with school for the semester and if we can make it through December 14, we'll be doing GREAT!

Tonight, my kids choir got to sing at a Christmas dinner for international students at IUP. I was extremely proud of them. This choir ranges in age from 3 to 12, so sometimes it is hard to keep everyones attention and get things accomplished, but they are doing so well. We will have our Christmas program (its called Angel Alert) on Sunday night December 14. I think they are going to do a really good job and I hope everything comes together as planned.

John is on the homestretch for this semester. I am really proud of him. He has worked hard and done very well, even though most of the things he is learning are really hard for him. I have had more opportunities to help him this year than last year....we make quite a team! Its funny, but all of the training in notebooks and essay writing that I had at CHA have really come in handy! We are both looking forward to the Christmas break. :-)

As I mentioned before, I have a horrible cold. Its been a while since I've had one and trust me when I say, I am not enjoying it! At least I don't have a sinus headache, which is usually the case.......then I would be absolutely miserable!

We are in for quite the weekend weather wise. It didn't get out of the 20's today and is not supposed to warm up for a few days. We are also supposed to have snow, but so far, not much. I'll try to get some pictures whenever the snow does really is pretty here when it snows.

Well, thats it....have a great weekend!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Great Thanksgiving!

Well, what can I say.....we had a great Thanksgiving! John and I travelled into Pittsburgh Wednesday night to John's parents and awaited the arrival of the rest of the family. Thursday was a busy day of cooking and eating and catching up. We enjoyed hearing about Julie and Brian's new house and all that they are doing with it and it is always great to see Jim. We had the added bonus of having Brian's brother Lance with us this year. Also, Jim's girlfriend Lisa was able to make it down from Detroit on Friday.....we had a full house! The only downside for me was I had to go to work on Friday. So, I made the trip back to Indiana Thursday night, worked Friday and drove back into Pittsburgh after work. We met up at the movie theatre to watch James Bond....that was fun!
Saturday was really just a day of relaxation. Some went into downtown to explore Pittsburgh a little bit, but John and I decided to stay at the house....we've seen Pittsburgh from about every angle. :-) We were able to celebrate John's birthday Saturday night and all watched Kung Fu Panda together. That is a great movie....I laugh every time. :-) After that I was graciously allowed to watch the very end of the OU/OSU game....BOOMER SOONER! John and I travelled back to Indiana early Sunday morning so we could make it to church.......and pretty much crashed for the rest of the day. It was a long, but very good, weekend.

Jim and Julie

John blowing out the birthday candles! Yes, there were 28 of them. :-)

Mom, Jim, Lisa and John