Friday, August 15, 2008

New York, New York

Well, we are headed to New York City tomorrow! I am super excited about this trip! We will go to a Yankees games Sunday, see the sights on Monday, go to a water park Tuesday (this was John's idea....), and in general have a great time. :-)
We will head down to the DC area on Wednesday to spend a few days with John's sister Julie and her husband Brian. We are really looking forward to this. :-) Funny thing is, they will be in New York City the same time we are, so we may get together with them there also.

Here are a few pictures of John's toque day ceremony. I was so extremely proud of him! His perseverance is inspiring to me and God has been so gracious to give him success. Enjoy!

We'll talk to you when we get back!


britt said...

Yay Jon! Proud of you man.

I'm glad you were able to go to NY... especially to a Yankees game. That is cool.

Can't wait to hear about it.

Beth said...

Congratulations John! I can't wait to hear how NY & DC went.

Jack's Blog said...

Congratulations John - we are very, very proud of you! The toque is cool. Hope you had fun in NY. I would have loved to go to Yankee stadium and watch the Yankees. There's been a lot of news about them with the death of Bobby Murcer an OKC boy. Dad

Anonymous said...

hey jon! Congrats on the hat thing! I'm proud of you!!