Saturday, December 1, 2007


Well, there's really not a whole lote to say about this week. I had an interview this week at a bank. I felt the interview went really well. It is an entry level position, so it doesn't pay very much, but at this point, I'm not too picky.
John started his first baking block this week. He has definitely found his passion! He has brought home bread or rolls every day this week! We took some to church Wednesday night....we would never be able to eat all of it ourselves. John's birthday was yesterday, so we celebrated that by watching "Ratatouille". That is a really cute movie! His parents are coming over this afternoon and we are cooking steaks and I'm sure we'll do something else with them this evening. I'm not sure if this will include watching the OU/Mizzou game or not.
Other than all of that, I've just been trying to get Christmas stuff put together. I got the tree up and the dishes out. :-) And I think I'm almost done with all of my Christmas gifts. This is definitely a home-made Christmas, but I think everyone will like what they are getting. John and I plan on doing our Christmas cookies next weekend, so you can be looking forward to getting those in the mail in a couple of weeks!
That's about all for right to all, Becky


Anonymous said...

lol thanks for the update! i hope your job interview comes through! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok thats enough!... i love ya'll! glad things are going good, even though it can't be that good, b/c ya'll aren't here ;) lol j/k! I'll talk to you soon!


Beth said...

So sorry we forgot John's mind hasn't been quite all there lately. A card will be in the mail shortly. Hope you get a job out of the interview. Keep us posted! Love and miss you!