Thursday, June 26, 2008

10 Random things...

I was reading Lauren's blog and she listed 10 random things about herself. I got to thinking.....I don't know if I could do that. Not too much about me that is random...I'm actually pretty boring. So, even though I wasn't tagged, "sniff, sniff", :-), I am going to try.

1. I love thunderstorms. They used to scare me when I was little, but they are actually really fascinating. I was a little sad this spring when we didn't have any thunderstorms here, only to find out they come later in the year. We have had one almost every night this week!

2. Burping is my BIGGEST pet peave. You can ask my sister, Beth, or my husband about this. Actually, anyone that knows me very well will testify to this fact.

3. I am a junk food junkie. I LOVE junk food. I have to really make a concerted effort not to eat it most days, but I am doing much better and am very proud of myself for this fact.

4. I love music. Now, I know you are thinking, DUH! But seriously, everything about music fascinates me. I love to figure out the different harmony parts in songs and can seriously sing every part of the "Hallelujah Chorus". I think if I had some help, I could really be a good song writer, but I don't have the technical "know how". Maybe someday....

5. I am extremely silly. I think most people think I am really kind of serious, but not so much. Just ask Debra and Charlanne.....or any child that I have taught in children's choir....

6. I love to punch buttons. Seriously, typing this out is a blast. I have always loved punching buttons, especially if I have long fingernails. I love the clacking noise it makes!

7. Money fascinates me. When I was a teller, the Fed was always sending out fliers on the new money that was coming out and its different features. I loved reading those and then examining the money to see all the different aspects of it. I don't know about the newer bills, but the older bills had teeny tiny print on the collar of all the Presidents that read "The United States of America". Just really cool how they can print it that small. You can't even tell it is words at all! On a side note, we just rented "Mad Money". Really cute movie....and that really does happen. They actually shred ugly money. Money is actually very disgusting.....probably shouldn't be so fascinated by it.......

8. I turn into a pumpkin around 9:30.....I am not a night person AT ALL!

9. Quilting is one of the things I love to do and don't have enough time to do. I love to put the colors and patterns together and see the final product. I am getting better at the actual quilting part and hope my Granny would be proud. :-)

10. I actually hate the fact that I work with numbers every day and am very good at it, is nothing short of a miracle. God really does have a sense of humor!

YEA!!! I made it through ten things.....and it wasn't that hard!

Have a great one!


Anonymous said...

I TAG YOU! I should have. I was actually having a hard time deciding who to tag. Maybe I'll just break the "rule" next time and tag more than five people!

That was really great! I am glad you did it despite me not tagging. I have learned though, to tag you in future "tag notes" so be warned! hehe

John and Becky Henderson said...
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John and Becky Henderson said... last post posted like 4 times!

That being said, I am sufficiently warned!